Friday, May 21, 2010

Skylab by aLex Cruz

Important people involved:
Took place: NASA Kennedy Space Center, outerspace, Charles C. Conrad Jr., Paul J. Weitz, Joseph Kerwin, Alan A. Bean, Jack R. Lousman, Owen K. Garriott, Gerald P. Carr, Willian R. Pogue, and Edward G. Gibson

Skylab is NASA's first space station fully designed for experiments. The goals of Skylab were; to prove that human beings are fully capable of living and working in outerspace for long periods of time and also it helped expand our knowledge of outerspace outside the Earth. The accomplishments of Skylab include having 3 3-man crews on it for a total of 171 days and 13 hours. There 300 science and technical experiments were made. Many of those experiments include; experiments to see how human's adapt to zero gravity, observations of the sun, and experiments detailing Earth resources. Sadly, Skylab crashed down into Earth on July 11, 1979 and its pieces scattered over the Indian Ocean and parts of Western Australia.
Skylab was launched in May 14, 1973 by the NASA Kennedy Space Station. It was launched by a Saturn V launcher (a left over moon rockect from the Apollo Space Program). 63 seconds after liftoff, the meteor shield deattached by the drag of the atmosphere. This lead to a 10 day time of problems for Skylab. When the meteroid shield deattached it messed up the the space ship to get at an angle that did not allow its solar panels to get any sunlight thus leaving Skylab without power. This caused Skylab to overheat dangerously. So a team of engineers, astronuats and management people in NASA Marshall Space Flight Center attempted to come up with a plan to save Skylab. They were sucessful.
The second Skylab mission was on May 25 to June 22, 1973. This mission lasted 28 days and 50 minutes. The crew made many repairs to Skylab to save it. They added a parasol sunshade to cool the the temperature to 75 degrees F. Then by Jue 4th of that year the workroom was ready for use. The crew then made solar astronomy experiments, and medical studies. Totals; 404 orbits and 392 experiment hours.
The third Skylab mission was on July 28 to September 25, 1973. In this mission the crew countinued fixing the space ship and their experiments. Totals; 858 Earth orbits, 1,081 hours of solar and Earth experiments.
The fourth Skylab mission was on November 16, 1973 to February 8, 1974. This was the last of the Skylab missions. It was when the observation of the Comet Kohoutek took place. Totals; 1,214 Earth orbits.

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