Monday, May 17, 2010

Jimmy Carter by aLex Cruz

Jimmy Carter
Full Name: James Earl Carter Jr.
D.O.B.: October 1st 1924
Place: Plains, Georgia
Wife: Rosalynn Smith
Kids: John William (Jack), James Earl III (Chip), Donnel Jeffrey (Jeff), and Amy Lynn
Education: Naval Academy in Annapolis
Career: Peanut Farmer, in the Navy, and Politician
Fun fact: He has a very recognizable smile.
List of important works:
  1. President of the United States 1977-1981
  2. 39th President
  3. is 5 feet 9.5 inches tall
  4. Had a giant peanut-shaped balloon at his ignaguration day
  5. won the 2002 Nobel Peace prize

Jimmy Carter was born in Plains, Georgia on October 1st, 1924. He was brought up by a lot of topics that followed him through out his life: Baptist faith, Peanut farming, and talk of politics. Then in 1946, when He graduated from Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland; he decided to get married to Rosalynn Smith. Then after 7 years of service in the Navy, he entered state politics in Georgia. Eventually in 1970 Carter became Governor of Georgia. He was different from the other politicians because he emphasized ecology, the removal of racial barriers and efficiency in government. Then in December of 1974, 4 months after Nixon’s resignation, Carter decided to run for President. He began a two-year campaign that was highly successful. Carter chose Senator Walter F. Mondale of Minnesota as his Vice President. Carter eventually won President Ford (was running for re-election) 297 electoral votes to 241.
Carter’s presidency was hard. First he had to deal with the "continuing economic woes of inflation and unemployment" ( This lead to a short recession, but by the end of his presidency, Carter succeeded in creating almost 8 million jobs and a decrease in the budget deficit. Carter also had to deal with domestic problems. He solved the energy shortage by making the national energy policy and by releasing control of domestic petroleum prices. He also improved the environment by expanding the national park system. The national park system now included 103 million acres of Alaska. Carter also increased human and social services by many ways. Those ways include; creating the Department of Education, supporting the Social Security system and making the Government more of a melting pot by appointing "…record numbers of women, blacks, and Hispanics…" ( In foreign affairs is where Carter found most of the trouble for his presidency. Carter was the champion of human rights. He pretty much wanted everyone in the world to have America’s unalienable rights (right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness). He renamed the "Unalienable rights" to "Human rights". These beliefs of Carter were not kindly accepted in the Soviet Union or in other nations. Even if his "Human rights" beliefs were not 100% successful, he did help Egypt and Israel to stop fighting with the Camp David Agreement of 1978. Another foreign affair that was a success was the ratification of the Panama Canal treaties. Other major successes were making full diplomatic relations with China (People’s Republic of China) and signing the SALT II nuclear limitation treaty with the USSR. Then the Iran hostage crisis happened. The Iranian people took hostage 52 American embassy staff and refused to release them. They didn’t release them until 444 days later on the inauguration day of Ronald Regan.

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