Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Robert Wright Penn by Victor Osoria

Writer and poet Robert Penn Warren was born on April 24, 1905 in Guthrie, Kentucky. He is the only person to have won a Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1947 and poetry in 1958. His fiction, which is usually historically based, considers the implications of man's initiation into awareness of the potential evil in himself and the world. His book All the Kings Men with the central theme of man capacity for evil got him his first Pulitzer Prize. Another book also by Warren, World Enough and Time, examines the conjunctions between idealism and evil, innocence and guilt. Then Wilderness described a youth's acceptance of moral responsibility.
Warren’s early poems were of the so-called New Critical School and his later poems became more romantic and transcendental. Promises: Poems 1954 to 1956 won Warren his second Pulitzer Prize. 1971. Warren died of cancer September 15, 1989, in Stratton, Vermont.

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